Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Lincoln-Douglas Debates Assignment

You'll have all class to do this tomorrow (Thursday) but in case you want to do a little work at home...

Here is a link to the speeches

Lincoln-Douglas Speeches

Here is a review of the major topics covered per speech

Candidates cover Dred Scott case, Nebraska bill, existence of the Union as half slave and half free, equality of the white and African races.
Covers fugitive slave law, admission of slave states, slavery in the territories and District of Columbia, interstate slave trade. Best passages are pp. 271-279 for Lincoln, and 294-305 for Douglas.
Covers states' right to choose, slavery in territories, existence of the Union as half slave and half free. Best passages are pp. 18-30, 73-76, 83-88 for Douglas, 31-41 for Lincoln.
Candidates give clear positions on equality of whites and Africans, spend most of the debate arguing over a speech by Judge Lyman Trumbull.
Covers Kansas-Nebraska bill, states' rights, Dred Scott case, equality of white and African races, slavery vs the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Continues with topics from Galesburg debates, further comments on Dred Scott case, slavery in the territories.
Same topics as Galesburg and Quincy debates, Kansas, Lecompton constitution.

Ultimately You will make a pretty comparison chart!!!

    Stephen Douglas (Democrat)    v.       Abraham Lincoln (Republican)

If you search online for some personal characteristics like I showed you with Obama/Romney that would be good as well as what political party they associate with.